Causes of Discoloration in Pool Water

  • Subject : Causes of Discoloration in Pool Water
  • Date :  9.04.2021
  • Writer : Tekno Havuz & SPA 
  • Causes of Color Change and Turbidity in Pool Water:

The color of your pool water may be greenish, reddish, dull or cloudy. If the color of the pool water has changed, there is a problem with something. Factors affecting color change in pool water:
1- Problems in the pool filtration system:
Tekno Havuz olarak her zaman söylediğimiz şudur: Havuzun sağlık için en temel öğesi filitrasyondur. İyi bir filitrasyon sistemi kurulduğunda, uzun yıllar boyunca sorunsuz ve üstün su kalitesinde çalışan bir havuza sahip olursunuz. Filitrasyon sistemi iyi planlanmış ve yapılmış ise, kimyasal ihtiyacınız çok az olacak dolayısı ile kimyasal sarfı ve su yenileme ile ilgili maliyetleriniz en az seviyede olacaktır. Eğer filitrasyon sistemi iyi planlanmaz ve iyi mühendislik şartlarında monte edilmez ise, su kalitesini sağlamak için sürekli aşırı kimyasal kullanmak  zorunda kalırsınız. Buda hem cebinize hem de sağlığınıza zarar verir. Ne zayık ki bir çok müşteri ilk kurulum maliyetlerini düşük tutmak için filitrasyon sistemini düşük seviye seçer yada düşük seviye yapılmasına göz yumar. Tekno Havuz tecrübelerine göre filitre sistemi ile ilgili aşağıdaki problemler yaşandığında havuz suyunun rengi bozulur:

1- Problems in the pool filtration system:

As Tekno Pool, we always say this: The most basic element of the pool for health is filtration. When a good filtration system is installed, you will have a pool that works flawlessly and with superior water quality for many years. If the filtration system is well planned and built, your chemical needs will be very low, so your costs related to chemical consumption and water renewal will be at a minimum. If the filtration system is not well planned and installed in good engineering conditions, you will constantly have to use excessive chemicals to ensure water quality. This is harmful to both your wallet and your health. Unfortunately, many customers choose a low-level filtration system or tolerate low-level filtration to keep initial setup costs low. According to Tekno Pool's experience, the color of the pool water becomes discolored when the following problems are experienced with the filter system..
  • Insufficient filtration capacity (low filtration capacity)
  • Wrong filtering material selection
  • The filter is clogged
  • The filter pump suction or discharge is clogged
  • Filter by-pass condition or filtration of the filtering material in the tank
  • Filter backwashing is not done or it is done for more than 7 days.

2- Inadequate use, excessive use or misuse of pool chemicals.
  • High PH rate in the pool
  • Disruption of alkalinity balance in the pool
  • Low chlorination
  • High chlorination
  • Excessive precipitant use
  • Mixing or sequential use of pool chemicals

3- Problems in the mechanical system of the pool
  • Insufficient piping capacity
  • Wrong design in the pool hydraulic system
  • Inadequate distribution of filtered water in the pool

4- Physical or chemical problems in the pool water source 
  • Presence of excessive algae (algae cells) in the pool water source
  • High iron and copper ratio
  • Excessive hardness ratio
  • Excessively high water-insoluble content (inorganic pollution)
  • Excessively high dissolved content (organic pollution) in water

In order to avoid such problems in your pool, you can contact our Tekno Pool company, which provides quality service and is among the most known in the sector with its experience.

Tekno Tasarım ve Yapı Teknik A.Ş. has realized projects in 10 different countries and more than 50 cities in Turkiye, with an experience of more than 20 years. He is also the owner and operator of Aquacity Malatya ( ). Therefore, it is the leading company in the sector in terms of providing the most accurate solutions to its customers and making the most trouble-free productions. The fact that it is also on the customer side of the sector with its references and its sister company is an indication of this capability.

You, our valued customers, fill out the contact form at, send an e-mail to or call us at 0216 661 44 37 – 0545 661 44 37 – 0530 281 88 91 for our Istanbul regional office, for our Malatya Regional Office You can reach us at 0422 323 44 82 – 0530 281 88 96 numbers. Work with Tekno Pool, don't get a headache   

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