Most quality products
for your projects in Tekno Havuz
Would you like to present a summer holiday opportunity to your family and children?
You can have this opportunity by installing pools at your residence. If you like you can have this pool pleasure for 12 months by building pools indoors. Contribute your children’s growing, doing water sports, having the pleasure at nightsnear pools, enrich your you are only one push buton away.
Do you want to make investment on facility?
A recovery opportunity in a very shot time with commercial type outdoor or indoor pools. You have the opportunity to Buy swimming pools by leasing both by paying 1% VAT and by installment. By this way you can pay by earning and can have nominal cost in your first investment. Securing your future with 10 year guarantee is only one puch buton away…
Tekno Pool constructs appropriate pools turn key according to its customers’ profile either with its reinforced concrete porcelain or readymade imported pools with more than 1000 models unlimited form and 10 year quality guaranty.
In case of necessity Tekno Pool adapts jet-stream, wave nozzle, massage kits, jacuzzi module, jacuzzi ladder into swimming pools and presents jacuzzi/spa comfort systems together with swimming pool.
Our Products and Services: