New Pool Ideas


  • Subject : New Pool Ideas
  • Date : 09.04.2020
  • Writer : Tekno Pool & SPA 







It is one of the first pool disinfection systems applied in the pool industry. Therefore, it is an old disinfection system. Disinfection is achieved by transferring copper and silver ions to the pool water passing over the copper and silver plates by the electrolysis method. Bacteria with silver ions, algae (algae cells) with copper ions are killed. Ideal for home pools. 


In this system, copper and silver junction boxes are installed between the pool pump and its filters. A battery effect is created by the effect of high electrical voltage. With this effect, the copper and silver in the junction boxes are ionized and mixed with the pool water. The copper ions formed are especially effective on algae cells that form algae. At the same time, it clumps these algae cells and the bacteria that cling to them, making them easier to keep in the filter. It is especially effective on non-spore bacteria and fungi with silver ions formed by electrolysis.. 


There is no mechanical oxidation in this system. For this reason, chlorine or bromine should be added to the pool water with copper-silver ionization. However, in pools using a copper-silver ionization system, the chlorine/bromine ratio can be reduced by 50%. Thus, less industrial chlorine/bromine is used. Since partially used chlorine and bromine disinfectants are also "companion disinfectants", they continue to disinfect and guarantee disinfection even if there are copper-silver ions bound by microorganisms. 


In this system, the minerals contained in the pool water are important for the operation of copper-silver ionization. For example, water with high zinc levels wears out the electrodes and reduces the efficiency. Likewise, water with high iron content can disrupt the electrolysis process as it creates a battery effect. Its use has decreased recently due to reasons such as copper-silver heavy metal accumulation in the pool, discoloration in the pool joints, the necessity of using chlorine, the formation of silver chlorine when chlorine is used, and finally due to high electrode costs (Source:  




It is a completely new technology. It has become widespread all over the world in the last 5 years and has become a pool disinfection application recommended by international pool authorities. It has started to become a widely used system for all pools, from household pools to industrial facilities.. 


This system operates as a pilot pure natural chlorine production plant. With the electrolysis unit installed in the pool engine room, natural liquid chlorine + oxidizers are produced from completely natural salts (NaCl2, CaCl2, MgCl2). 


The natural chlorine produced is odorless. It is not aggressive (corrosive) like industrial chlorine. Therefore, it does not leave any odor on the skin after using the pool. Since it is not aggressive, it does not burn the eyes and does not irritate the skin. Since it is not industrial and produced only from NaCl2, CaCl2, or MgCl2 salts without any additives, it is not carcinogenic. Since it is not corrosive, it does not damage the equipment in and around the pool. It stays in the water longer. Since it does not increase the pH, the need for a PH increaser is either not at all or at the level of 1/10 of the need in industrial chlorination..


Although the main output is natural liquid chlorine, partially hydrogen and hydroxyl oxidation elements are also produced, and when the produced natural chlorine comes into contact with the pool water, the disinfection of microorganisms in the bacteria-yeast-algae-fungi group, together with the partial oxidation of viruses, spore-forming bacteria and spore-forming mold fungi. (burning) is provided. With additional ozone supplementation, the oxidation activity is completed. At the same time, body fat, unfiltered microparticles are burned. Salt-Chlorine system; It consists of Salt Melt tank + Natural Chlorine Solution Tank + PH Solution Tank + An electrolysis unit producing chlorine from salt + Automation panel + Natural Chlorine and PH Dosing pump + Chlorine and PH measuring electrode. The system doses the natural chlorine at the set value to the pool water (Source: 


Tekno Tasarım ve Yapı Teknik A.Ş. has realized projects in 10 different countries and more than 50 cities in Turkiye, with an experience of more than 20 years. He is also the owner and operator of Aquacity Malatya ( ). Therefore, it is the leading company in the sector in terms of providing the most accurate solutions to its customers and making the most trouble-free productions. The fact that it is also on the customer side of the sector with its references and its sister company is an indication of this capability. You, our valued customers, fill out the contact form at, send an e-mail to or call us at 0216 661 44 37 – 0545 661 44 37 – 0530 281 88 91 for our Istanbul regional office, for our Malatya Regional Office You can reach us at 0422 323 44 82 – 0530 281 88 96 numbers. Work with Tekno Pool, don't get a headache


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