Private Pool

Most quality products
for your projects in Tekno Havuz

We are here to contribute our children’s growing, doing water sports, relief our tiredness every evening with water that is our lifeblood, have pleasure at nights near pool and enrich our residence.

Tekno Pool presents you appropriate pool choice opportunity in your residence with desired form and depth with more than 1000 models. Pool surroundings, terrace productions are made together and our aim is to obtain an architectural integrity and to hand over them cleanly to customers.
Techo Pool aims to obtain esthetic visual at homes and gardens with special designs and animations.
For this purpose the coloured lightening is installed inside the swimming pool and its surrounding is prepared for usage.Visual richness is obtained by installing floating and stable fountain, water fan, waterfall, sculpture where water comes out and busts inside swimming pool or surroundings.
According to customer’s preference Tekno Pool adapts jet-stream, wave nozzle, massage kits, jacuzzi module, jacuzzi ladder inside the pool and presents jacuzzi-massage-spa comfort systems inside swimming pool. For other samples check indoor pool section.

Tekno Pool recommends concrete or readymade fiber ladder especially for older people, handicapped people and children besides esthetic visual. These ladders provides safer entrance and exit for the pool. For ladder samples check ındoor pool section.

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