Redaymade Pool

Most quality products
for your projects in Tekno Havuz

Readymade pool are pools that have been used in Europe and USA that have modular infrastructure and liner interior covering. When modular infrastructure is completed it doesn’t show a difference with classic reinforced concrete infrastructure. Like classical infrastructure instead of mold application special PVC covering and steel plates that are completely modular are used. These plates and molds are not dismounted after construction. That is why construction period shortens and endurance increases. In interior covering with interior covering material that is different from pool porcelain and ceramic a 10 year leakproofing guaranty is presented.

Tekno readymade pools can be used in every kind of space and area; in the areas where there freezing and earthquake risks are high, they can be used in indoor pools and in the spaces where there is time and place problem. Tekno Pool, has handed over plenty of readymade pools to its customers in 15 days.

Readymade Pool Sets:

  • Skimmer filtration system
  • With flexible liner when even the infrastructure get spoiled its leakproofing continues
  • Smooth-solid liner bright surface
  • If necessary from 50% to 80% removal possibility according to the model of pool
  • With prefabricated infrastructure the completion of 50 m2 pool infrastructure in 10 days
  • Completion of 50 m2 liner covering in 1 day
  • If necessary the dismounting a liner covering and removing it to another place in 1 day without any loss
  • Reparation possibilty without loosing its leakproofing….
  • Tekno Pool, constructs standard forms and beside this unlimited measurement and deepness readymade pools including olympic pools as turn key

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