Over Ground Pool

Most quality products
for your projects in Tekno Havuz

As an alternative for inlaid pools Tekno Pool presents 100% portable over ground pools. Overground pools that are produced by world famous Zodiac firm;

  • These are advantageous for those who are renters, like summer resort, doesn’t want construction, whose budget are limited.
  • They are appropriate for nurseries, hydro therapy centers with terrace, who has little space and spaces where inlaid type is not possible..
  • No need for instruction, it can be built in an hour or in a half day according its size.
  • They have Professional sand filtration system like inlaid swimming pools
  • They have 0.6, 0.9, 1.0, 1.2 ve 1.35 metre depth according to their models
  • Circular, rectangle and oval forms
  • Their size can change between 8 - 62 m2 according to their models
  • They can be kept pliable and can be set up to another place
  • They can be used as massage-therapy pool by mounting hydro massage kits
  • In some models with their aluminium support sticks file/cover can be tightened
  • Ovation model can be used on over ground as well es inground
  • They are produced with the same material Zodiac bot and they are guaranteed for 5-10 year according to their models
WINKY-4 inner diam 3,8 Ø 5,00 1,05 12
WINKY-5 inner diam 5,0 Ø 6,30 1,05 20
WINKY-6 inner diam 6,0 Ø 7,50 1,20 33
WINKY-8 inner diam 7,8 Ø 9,50 1,20 60
OVLINE-2000 inner 5,80 X 3,00 7,0 X 5,0 1,00 17
OVLINE-3000 inner 7,20 X 3,50 9,2 X 6,3 1,20 30
OVLINE-4000 inner 9,20 X 4,50 11,2 X 7,3 1,20 49
HIPPO 10 inner 5,0 X 3,0 6,85 X 4,85 0,60 9
HIPPO 40 inner 9,00 x 5,00 11,80 X 7,70 1,20 54
HIPPO 65 inner  13,50 x 4,60 16,55 X 8,25 1,25 77
OVATION inner diam 4,60 Ø 5,20 1,35 22
OVATION inner diam 5,50 Ø 6,10 1,35 32
OVATION inner diam 7,30 Ø 7,90 1,35 55
OVATION inner diam 5,5 X 3,7 6,10X4,30 1,35 27
OVATION inner diam 7,3 X 4,6 7,90X5,20 1,35 45
OVATION inner diam 9,15 X 4,6 9,80X5,20 1,35 56
OVATION inner diam 10,00 X 5,50 10,60X6,10 1,35 74
KD PLUS 4x2x0,9 4,00 x 2,00 0,90 7
KD PLUS 5x3x1,32+upper profile 5,00 x 3,00 1,32 19
KD PLUS 7x3x1,32+upper profile 7,00 x 3,00 1,32 27
KD PLUS 8x4x1,32+upper profile 8,00 X 4,00 1,32 42
KD PLUS 10x5x1,32+upper profile 11,00 X 6,00 1,32 66
KD PLUS ø365x1,22+upper profile Ø 3,95 1,22 12
KD PLUS ø485x1,22+upper profile Ø 5,10 1,22 21

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