Indoor Pool

Most quality products
for your projects in Tekno Havuz

Private or commercial purpose interior space and terrace pool like indoor pools leakproofing feature is requested by the customer. Tekno Pool provides 10 year leakproofing guaranty for customer requests.

In case of necessity, Tekno Pool adapts jet-stream, wave nozzle, massage kits, jacuzzi module, jacuzzi lader inside indoor swimming pool and presents jacuzzi/massage pool/spa comfort systems together with swimming pool.
Tekno Pool recommends concrete or readymade fiber ladder especially for older people, handicapped people and children besides esthetic visual. These ladders provides safer entrance and exit for the pool. For ladder samples check ındoor pool section.

There is opportunity to use the pool for 12 months with indoor pools. Tekno Pool makes projects during construction or uses improved structures and renders outdoor pools into indoor pools and marries up heating systems.

Heating, moisture consumer, and covering pool
In indoor pools  the pool water is heated by using electrical heaters, heat exchange systems and solar systems. In indoor pools the usage of moisture consumer devices may be needed.     

   Moisture Consumer Devices
It raises moisture in indoor ambiance.
At saturation point extra moisture shows itself by evaporation.
With internal-external ambiance heat difference effect, the extra moisture may condensed on inside surfaces of building and may cause droppings.
   Heat exchangers
It works connected on hot water/steam source ( boiler or solar system)
It is generally used at big tonnaged pools.
First investment cost is high
   Electrical heaters
It is ideal for smaller tonnaged pools. First investment cost is low.

Readymade Closing Systems for Pools:
Our coverin units are polycarbonate window plate coverin systems on aluminium main profiles. It can be either complete telescopic or one part telescopik or can be set up complete stable.

Tekno Pool Closing Systems;
  • It presents opportunity to use the pool for 365 days and 24 hours
  • It prevents pollution of pool water
  • It decreases the harmful sunbeam effects
  • With its lockable structure the children’s, foreigners’ and pets entrance to the pool is prevented.
  • It can be either complete transparent, semitransparent or there is opportunity that covering prevents inside visual
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