Most quality products
for your projects in Tekno Havuz
From large detached houses to small apartment flats almost in every house there is a space
for sauna. A room, attic, basement, second toiled that is not used,…can be converted into sauna.
Sauna has been carried with all its traditions from the past to nowadays. Since body and spirit health that people considered important has been increased day by day, its popularity has been increased. Anyway having sauna became a complementary in our daily life.
Tekno Pool constructs qualiy and esthetic saunas in order to meet this need. With special apsen and alder covering, tempered Windows buy sauna from Tekno Sauna&Steam, buy it once and quality and reliable one…
Our products and services:
• Turn key individual and public saunas
• Tylo Readymade Saunas
• Readymade infrared heating sauna cabins
• Sauna stoves
• Stove stone
• Sauna bucket, ladle
• Sauna odor and perfumes
• Sauna control panel
• Sauna doors
• Sauna lamps
• Sauna thermometer and hygrometers
• Sauna accessary and spare parts
• Sauna maintenance service