Most quality products
for your projects in Tekno Havuz
Site, hotel, holiday village, social facility, public housing, camping areas and commercial oriented enterprises…
Tekno Pool aims to construct the most appropriate pool for its customers by recommending different alternatives According to their budget and space. In the project phase the figurative completed posture is shown to the customers by locating appropriate models where they are going to be constructed in a computer platform providing customer to give the most suitable decision.
In time limited projects, readymade pool systems are used and they are handed over in 30 days. Tekno Pool aims to obtain esthetic visual at facilities with special designs and animations. For details check private pool and indoor pool sections.
Tekno Pool my locate one part of the pool for water games, jacuzzi and massage pool according to customer’s preference. For models check private pool and indoor pool sections. According to customer’s preference Tekno Pool may locate one part of the pool for slide groups. For details check aqua park section.