NAME OF PROJECT: Atatürk University Social Facilities Ornamental Pool PLACE OF PROJECT: Atatürk University Campus, Bowling Saloon, ErzurumOWNER OF PROJECT: Alkazan Construction CONTENT OF PROJECT: Ornamental Pool, Wall Waterfall, Relief Panel, Filter SystemBEGINNING OF PROJECT: 14.03.2007DATE OR COMPLETION OF PROJECT: 20.04.2007DURATION OF PROJECT: 36 daysDETAILS OF PROJECT:- Construction of 5 x 5 = 25 m² porcelain covering, interior skimmer ornamental pool
- Interior pool 5 x 5 cm water green and cobalt porcelain covering- Application of University Logo and dolphin pictures with photoporcelain technique on 4 x 5 = 20 m² porcelain and application of relief panel
- Production of 50 x 50 x 200 cm measurement complete stainless steel waterfall water Curtain
- 30 m³/h capacity pump and installation for foam fountains
- 95 m³/h capacity pump and installation for water waterfall