Promer Qatar

Your choice for any project
in world standards Tekno Pool



PROJECT NAME : Special Designed Fountain – Eye Fountain Pool 
PROJECT LOCATION : Qatar General Organization for Standards and Metrology Building, Doha, QATAR (ولة قطر, Devletü'l-Katar) 
PROJECT OWNER : Promer Qatar
PROJECT SCOEP : Turnkey construction of special designed fountain pool
COMPLETION DATE    : 12.02.2011

Eye Fountain Pool
Eye pool is a design by which eye effect is simulated. Fountains group that forms eyelashes, pupil and rotating logo group over the pupil all are made of stainless steel.
All stainless steel manufactures of the pool, mechanical and electrical installation and inner coat material are made by our company.
The most moving effect in this pool is rotation of the logo that is placed over the pupil and it is illuminated while it is rotating. Rotation system of the logo that is about 1 ton in weight is an important engineering design. These solutions are the important indicators defining the point to which Tekno Pool has reached in desin and production stages.
Design Criteria:
* Dimension: 8x18 m measures of the pool
* Pupil In The Middle: 4 m diameter stainless steel
* Logo Carrier Over The Pupil: 4 m diameter stainless steel
* Embossing Logos Over The Pupil: Copper color stainless steel
* 4 M Diameter Logo Rotation Speed: 4 tour/minute
* Number Of Fountains Forming Eyelashes: 155 pieces
* Total Inside Pool And Fountain Led Illumınating Number: 80 pieces
* Logo Illumination: Parlement blue led
* Inside Pool Coat Material: Chrome and glass stalactite glass mosaic
* Hardware & Software: Automatic filtration, automatic water level control, automatic chemical dosage systems
Wall Logos 
The institution's logo, so hang on the wall manufacturing of stainless steel material and clarify with LED lighting.

Design Criteria
* Dimension: 2 x ø2 m stainless steel Sub-Carrier
* Relief Logos: Copper-colored stainless steel
* Lighting Logo:  Parlement blue and white LED
* Carrier Lighting: Parlement blue and white LED

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