PROJECT NAME : Villa Swimming Pool, Shock Pool and Jacuzzi
PROJECT LOCATION : Kazan, Tataristan, Russia
PROJECT OWNER : Polistroy Kapital Construction
PROJECT SCOEP : Swimming Pool, Shock Pool and Jacuzzi
COMPLETION DATE : February 2019
Swimming Pool: Hidden overflow system swimming pool with a dimension of 3.90x24.90 m, a double depth of 1.40 -1.60 m, an area of 97 m² and a water volume of 146 m3.
Pool, balance tank, technical room and pool area walking platform plaster & screed and insulation installation
AISI 316 quality stainless steel concealed overflow duct manufacturing
Glass mosaic coating with special pattern and epoxy joint application in different colors
Stainless steel concealed overflow porcelain tile coating
DIN norm pool filtration tanks, air driven filter automatic valves
AFM filter glass media
Fully automatic, touch screen controlled filtration system installation
Fully automatic, touch screen controlled technical equipment monitoring system installation
Fully automatic, touch screen controlled massage equipment monitoring system installation
With the application installed on iPAD, pool temperature, chemical level, filter status, lighting, etc. pool monitoring and control of uses
Fully automatic salt-chlorine production station (Liquid natural chlorine production, hydrogen gas detector, flow sensor, temperature sensor)
Automatic chemical control and dosing unit
Ozone denuneration unit
Flocculant zeta mixer and automatic flocculant dosage group
Filtration system flow meter control group
3 separate groups of in-house body massage system (hydrojet massage, back-waist mix multi massage, neck-foot mix multi massage)
Special massage bars for massage groups
In-pool massage system touch piazo button control and massage unit as well as electronic panel that adjusts the intensity of massage
Pool water heating group (pipe type heat exchanger)
Pool water heating system automation
AISI 316 stainless steel accessories inside the pool
74 pcs stainless steel power LED mini spot lighting for walls
Linear flex RGB led lighting (walls and stairs), 90 meters
Technical room water level warning system
Skimmer system shock pool with a dimension of 2.10x2.75 m, a depth of 1.50 m, an area of 6 m² and a water volume of 9 m3.
Pool, balance tank, technical room and pool area walking platform plaster & screed and insulation installation
AISI 316 quality stainless steel concealed overflow duct manufacturing
Glass mosaic coating with special pattern and epoxy joint application in different colors
DIN norm pool filtration tanks, air driven filter automatic valves
AFM filter glass media
Fully automatic, touch screen controlled filtration system installation
Fully automatic, touch screen controlled technical equipment monitoring system installation
Fully automatic, touch screen controlled massage equipment monitoring system installation
With the application installed on iPAD, pool temperature, chemical level, filter status, lighting, etc. pool monitoring and control of uses
Fully automatic salt-chlorine production station (Liquid natural chlorine production, hydrogen gas detector, flow sensor, temperature sensor)
Automatic chemical control and dosing unit
Ozone denuneration unit
Flocculant zeta mixer and automatic flocculant dosage group
Filtration system flow meter control group
Water cooling system
Pool water cooling system automation
AISI 316 stainless steel accessories inside the pool
AISI 316 stainless steel pool ladder
4pcs stainless steel Power LED mini spot lighting for walls
Technical room water level warning system
Stainless steel pool ladder
Power LED pool lighting for walls
Skimmer system Jacuzzi with a dimension of 1.93x2.93 m, a depth of 0.75 m, an area of 5.7 m² and a water volume of 4.23 m3 .
Riveriapool pearlescent color whirlpool peel
DIN norm pool filtration tanks, air driven filter automatic valves
AFM filter glass media
Fully automatic touch screen controlled filtration system installation
Fully automatic touch screen controlled technical equipment monitoring system installation
Fully automatic touch screen controlled massage equipment monitoring system installation
With the application installed on iPAD, pool temperature, chemical level, filter status, lighting, etc. pool monitoring and control of uses
Fully automatic salt-chlorine production station (Liquid natural chlorine production, hydrogen gas detector, flow sensor, temperature sensor)
Automatic chemical control and dosing unit
Ozone denuneration unit
Flocculant zeta mixer and automatic flocculant dosage group
Filtration system flow meter control group
Massage groups, 2 units (hydrojet massage, back-waist mix multi massage, neck-foot mix multi massage)
Electronic panel for control over jacuzzi for massage groups
Pool water heating group (pipe type heat exchanger)
Pool water heating system automation
Jacuzzi water supply inlet water conditioning unit (lime & sediment filtration)
AISI 316 stainless steel accessories inside the jacuzzi
8pcs stainless steel RGB Power LED mini spotlight
Technical room water level warning system