PROJECT NAME : Square Fountain Pool
PROJECT OWNER : Municipality of Basiskele
PROJECT SCOEP : Ready-made antique fountain pooln
COMPLETION DATE : 07.05.2011
• 8 x 8 m ready-made fountain is made complete polyester and decorative-antique apperance. This pool features:
> Bottom pool is 8 m in diameter.
> The antique fountain pool is consist 2 steps, and the total height is 60 cm.
> 4 units located, that 40 x 40 x 40 cm dimensions, at the edges of the pond as a base. (Aqueous or anhydrous these figures on pedestals, anforas can be added.)
> On the basis of the top of the tower, the pool height is 8 m
> The tower is the column width of the 90 x 90 cm
> All of tower’s faces are located at clock. Clock diameter 70 cm.
> All clocks are lighted.
> Under the tower column, located a small pool (şadırvan) and 4 pieces kurna.
> The Water exit of under the clocks, and goes to small pool-kurna and than goes to pool.
> The Pool is look likes antique by motifs and shape properties. The pool was made antiquing paint with special dyes.
> Pool can be painted the desired color.
> All of the pool is made of reinforced polyester with a special component. Not crack, rot. Sealing is guaranteed for 10 years.
> Sealed for indoor use, especially with the features and weight.
> The pool, dry weight is 2.000 kg, wet weight 15,000 kg. It is a concrete pool sizes in the dryt weight: 50,000 kg, 65,000 kg wet weight will be around.
> Pool consists of a total of 5 main pieces. If parts are installed instead. Installation time is 5-6 days.
> Pool moved to another location if desired.
> Clock tower and replaced by another figure placed in the bottom of the column.
• Foam fountain nozzle
• 50W RGB Power LED lighting
• The construction of pool mechanical-electrical hardware